Sunday, May 23, 2010

Building a Low cost Led Pen

I and harish ( friend of mine) built a ultra low-cost led pen over an evening to experiment with long exposure led painting.

You can also build one virtually free using household stuff.

See here how to make it

Pictures of Final Project of My class 2 NJIT

There were quite exciting projects that my class came up with for their final project for the class. Some of them were

1> Blind Aid using ultrasound sensor
2> Arduino based Ignition Interlock system
3> Oral cancer detection using Arduino
4> HR measurement

You can find more description here:

Pics are uploaded here:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Make your own satellite and even communicate with it!!

No I am not joking.....

Song Hojun has found that it is possible to launch and operate a personal satellite at a fairly reasonable price.

More info about this project can be found at

Hes also made a book for all you nerds out there... check it out